Bringing together women since 1957, in an organization where they can use their energies and abilities to benefit their community by promoting civic, cultural, educational, and charitable activities.
“The objective of the GFWC Apopka Woman’s Club is to bring together women in an organization where they can use their energies and abilities to benefit their community by promoting civic, cultural, educational, and charitable activities.”

Shirley Risser was recognized for 45 years of membership. She is one of our longest serving Members."
The GFWC Apopka Woman’s Club was chartered in 1957 with 60 members, and was federated in the same year. In January 2020 we will celebrated 63 years of service to our community. Opportunities are provided for the development of talents, abilities, and skills for each individual who participates.
The many opportunities afforded through club work provide a threshold from which each individual can develop an overall awareness and deeper perspective of community, state, national, and world events that affect our quality of life. Club work is on a voluntary basis, with members participating in activities of personal interest. All members, however, participate in fund-raising events. 2020 will be the 59th year for the Apopka Art & Foliage Festival, which is our main fundraiser.
In the past 58 years, the GFWC Apopka Woman’s Club has returned all proceeds from the festival back into the community. All beneficiaries of the festival can be seen on In addition, the Club awards scholarships to Apopka area high school seniors as well as special scholarships to adults who have the desire to continue their education. All beneficiaries of the festival can be seen on

National & State Affiliations
We hope you will find that we are an organization you would like to be affiliated with.
Please click on the links below are links to learn more about General Federation of Women's Club, or GFWC Florida Federation of Women's Club:
General Federation of Women's Club (GFWC)
GFWC Florida Federation of Women's Clubs,
Woman of the Year